Thursday, July 26, 2012


Today is the Peets' second day in Hong Kong, and we are off to Disneyland! The twins, Millie and Sophie have a birthday this week, so we want to celebrate in a huge way.

These girls don't look at all excited, do they?

On the Disneyland train...

Yay, we're all ready to have a magical day!

First stop: Craig's Keegan's favourite Buzz Lightyear ride.

Tirzah played in the water fountains while "the big kids" went on the Space Mountain rollercoaster.

Small World

The Lion King Show was Amanda's favourite event of the day.

Riding on the carousel

I didn't get any photos of the teacup ride which we did next, but the children posed just outside.

The Golden Mickeys show

We loved Mickey's 3D PhilharMagic so much, we did it twice in a row!

While waiting for the afternoon parade, we chanced upon this skillful percussion trio of janitors.

Keegan was happy to have a bash.

Our excellent seats to view the parade...

Next we explored Toy Story Land which is a new attraction since we last came to Disneyland as a family.

The Slinky Dog ride was our longest queue of the day. It proved to be Tirzah's favourite, so I guess it was worth the wait.

Tirzah met some green army men.

These three adventurous girls were not afraid to try any ride!

...while these two young ladies found their own entertainment on safer ground.

Waiting for the Dumbo ride...

Up in the air...

Dinner time in the Starlight Diner

The twins conquer Tomorrow Land.

On the Jungle River Cruise...

Awww, such a cute baby elephant...

Did you get wet, girls?

We stayed for the eight o'clock fireworks show.

Then we battled the crowds to catch our buses home.

Hands up if you had a fun day!

And who will remember their tenth birthday at Disneyland for the rest of their lives?


  1. Looks like you had fun!!! We're hoping to take our 3 to the LA one when we move.

  2. Love Disney!

    The kids were allowed to watch the parade, while sitting on the rubbish bins the whole time? I can't believed they weren't shooed off.

    What a great birthday for those girls..

  3. What a great birthday treat for our whole family - don't think we'll ever top that one!

  4. it was good to know that Jemilla had a nice time. she goes to disney very frequentlyfor a short period of time!

  5. It was lots of fun! I liked the space mountain best. I just realised that in the teacup photo, I was holding a fan in front of Tirzah's face! It wasn't on purpose.
