Friday, July 20, 2012

Thank you

This was my view this morning as I waited to board my flight back to Hong Kong.

I feel excited about seeing my family again but heavy-hearted with concern for Lauren and the girls who will struggle with balancing grief and practicalities for a long time to come.

Thank you to my Perth and Hong Kong friends who have never met Lauren, yet uphold her daily in prayer. Here are my photos of the Fishers from my last night with them.






Besides thanking my friends who have been encouraging me and praying for us all during this time, there are many other people to whom I am indebted.

  • Christie: picking me up from Brisbane airport despite not feeling 100% well
  • Nicole: allowing me to stay in your apartment for two weeks...including access to your TV and DVD collection, long baths, and another unexpected guest!
  • Kerrie and Roslyn: giving me lifts to Eagleby
  • Serena: driving me to church, Spotlight, Koorong, and all those op shops!
  • Barry and Noelene: home-cooked meals and a warm bed on very short notice
  • Jong and Sonia: organising a lift from Hong Kong airport tonight, allowing me to see my family sooner


  1. It was lovely to meet you Renee while you were in Brisbane. Delcie

    1. Likewise, Delcie. Did the new outfit fit well? Renee

  2. You are sooo welcome!!! As you can tell, I've got internet access and am catching up on your blog. Miss having you around actually! Glad you are home with the family though.
