Sunday, June 9, 2013

Last photos from kindergarten

Celebrating June birthdays

This month the R2D class has been learning all about airplanes and airports. On this particular day the children acted out "going on a flight" from collecting their tickets, sending their luggage through an x-ray machine, and boarding a plane.

This was a Father's Day party at kindergarten. Sadly, Craig could not attend due to work demands.

The children all decorated baseball caps for their dads.

As a kindergarten farewell activity, the children put their handprints in paint on t-shirts specially made with their names.

Modelling the shirts after they dried

Drawing a picture, then using the paper to fold a paper airplane

Time to test out the paper airplanes!

Mrs Ho did a great job of taking over Tirzah's class after Mrs Davis went on maternity leave. Tirzah loves both her kindergarten teachers!

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