Sunday, January 30, 2011

Multiplying like rabbits

"The Year of the Rabbit” is just around the corner. All the shops in Hong Kong are decorating appropriately with the theme. It feels a bit like Easter actually, with all the "Easter Bunnies" everywhere!


From the herds of hares, rabbles of rabbits, and bands of bunnies on display, I guess one could assume that the Great Wall of China was quite unsuccessful in its endeavour to keep the rabbits out.

(For those  unenlightened American readers, this is a reference to an Australian TV commercial from 2006 that has now cemented itself into Aussie culture.)


  1. Wow! Such variety in the display of rabbits! The only one I really like though is the red and white rabbit behind the chocolate display - it is gorgeous.

  2. This "unenlightened American" is so thankful that you posted that commercial. I love it!
