Monday, September 12, 2011

Chillin' on our day off

As Hong Kong has numerous ice skating rinks at shopping centres we frequent, our children have spent many an occasion watching the skaters and longing to have a turn.

Today was a holiday from school due to tomorrow's Mid-Autumn Festival. Some ICS friends invited us to join them at a Kowloon mall called Elements to ice skate with them.

Jemilla did very well for her second time ever ice skating.

I rented a penguin for Tirzah to push around on the ice. It was excellent to help her keep her balance.

Keegan's technique involved holding on to the edge for dear life and doing his best to remain upright. It worked...for the most part.


There were quite a few falls on the ice by all present; excluding me, that is, but as I have no photographic evidence of my completely dry jeans at the end of the session you will just have to take my word for it!

1 comment:

  1. So much fun! I haven't been ice skating for MANY years - pretty sure I'd look a lot like Keegan clutching onto the side of the rink!
