Saturday, March 31, 2012

EARCOS highlights

The 10th EARCOS Teacher's Conference concluded today. Here are four of my favourite EARCOS moments:

1. Every morning, prior to the keynote speakers a local school would perform in some capacity. I really enjoyed seeing the students showcase their talents. These dancers were from the International School of Bangkok.

These next students, known as the NIST Marimba Ensemble, were from the New International School of Thailand. The audience gave them a standing ovation.

2. One especially dynamic keynote speaker at EARCOS was Dr Steven Layne, a literacy education professor and author. I thoroughly enjoyed his speech "Balcony People: Teachers Make the Difference".

3. I was pleased to hear several talks about autism by Stephen Shore, who is himself on the Autism Spectrum. Besides sharing valuable insight about his own sensory issues, Stephen also informed us about the transitions from the DSM IV to the DSM  V and the implications for people with ASD.

4. "Neither Here Nor There" was a bonus film I didn't know was screening at EARCOS until the last minute. It is a short documentary that explores cultural identity for people like me who have grown up in places other than their passport culture, known as Third Culture Kids. Through the stories of six subjects, the film investigates the often overlooked effects on adults who had international upbringings, their struggles to fit in and an eternal search to belong. You can watch the preview below.

NEITHER HERE NOR THERE Teaser from Ema Ryan Yamazaki on Vimeo.

Tonight was the gala dinner in the ballroom which signified the close of EARCOS 2012. Craig, you would no doubt have enjoyed the teacher band.

And here I am with some other ICS delegates, enjoying our last supper and chat in Bangkok.

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