Monday, May 16, 2011


As Keegan's Grade One class has been learning about Mexico, they had a fiesta on Friday in their classroom.

Under the direction of Mr Tan, the parents provided salsa, burritos, tacos, quesadillas and other Mexican foods for the children to try. For most of them, it was their first time eating this kind of food.

Three amigos: Cyrus, Lucas, and Keegan

Taking turns to hit the pinata

Keegan's turn

Scrambling for the lollies!


  1. Olé! We had salsa and corn chips the other night with some yummy ranch dressing!

  2. We LOVE Mexican food here! Nachos, burritos and tacos are firm favourites. Did Keegan's class enjoy the food, or was it too unusual?

  3. They liked the corn chips but that was about it, Amanda.

  4. i think i would die without mexican food!
