Saturday, May 15, 2010


This week a friend persuaded me to try some different fruit, so I bought a bag of mangosteens.

Have you tried them before? A mangosteen is a round, purple fruit with white wedged segments inside. The fruit is very sweet, with a peach-like taste.

Some people think mangosteens are the world's best-tasting fruit. I'm quite partial to passionfruit myself. What's your favourite fruit?


  1. Passionfruit is my favourite fruit too! I've planted five passionfruit vines near the granny flat, in the hope that at least some will survive. Sadly there will be no fruit on them when you are here.
    I just watched something on Master Chef the other day about mangosteens. I love your photos - they look gorgeous.

  2. you've inspired me to try this fruit Renee... I've seen it at the grocery store and wondered... my fav fruit- yellow nectarines I think. Love Rach

  3. Yes, they are nice! It was my 12th new food since we moved to the south of this country:

  4. Have you tried Rambutans?...mmmmm, I love them.
