Friday, January 15, 2010


In Australia our mail was delivered to our letterbox at the end of our driveway beside the road. Here in Hong Kong we pick up our letters just inside the lobby of House 29 at Forest Hill with seven other families. Jemilla has a big smile because she knows it's a letter for her from her friend Joelle in Perth.


  1. I can just see Tirzah's hand holding the front of the letterbox open!

  2. So what is the approximate temperature these days out there near the letterboxes?(As I do this it is about 35' but the Fremantle Dr. has arrived, at least)

  3. Yes, I must say I was surprised to see Jem so rugged up in the photo - Geoff looked up the average temp in Hong Kong for this time of the year - somewhere between 14 and 16 degrees in the middle of winter (pretty similar to Wellington I think).
