Sunday, January 3, 2010

Retail therapy

Yesterday I was feeling a bit blue after the news that my friend Alec had passed away. I decided to get out of the house and have a walk around Tai Po. Of course I couldn't resist popping in to a shop or two and wandering through a couple of market stalls. I was absolutely thrilled to discover this collection of 22 people. In early childhood teaching we use them in block play or with the doll house to expose children to a variety of cultures and occupations. Amanda and Manou and you other teachers will appreciate the fact that the whole set only cost $6 AUD. They're a great resource and a great find! (Sarah, I simply must show you the store that they came's such a treasure trove.)

1 comment:

  1. Oh,so Alec is resting secure and serene with Jesus.I shall be glad to be there also.
    Those little people are wonderful,Renee.What are they made of?
    BTW I just discovered a new Anglicare Op Shop in Morley.It will wait for you!
