Thursday, September 17, 2009

HK Identity Cards

Today Craig did not go into work as we had an important appointment to get our Hong Kong identity cards. The government here requires everyone over the age of 11 to carry one. When we opened our bank account, signed the apartment lease, and organised connection of cable TV we were repeatedly asked to show our ID. It wasn't a huge problem that we didn't have one until I visited the local library and was flatly told no borrowing items without an ID card. Those of you who know me well and my love of reading will understand the speed with which I then organised an appointment to get the necessary cards. This morning Craig and I took the train to the Immigration Department and were subsequently photographed, fingerprinted (my first time), and told our paperwork was acceptable. I don't have the card yet to show you, but here's a photo of my wonderful husband.

Two interesting things happened while we were in the building.

It turns out that the Immigration office is in the same building as an international Christian kindergarten, very similar to the one for whom Craig works. We popped in for a quick visit, as Craig is always keen to foster healthy networks between schools. I enjoyed seeing how an early childhood facility (complete with playground, bike track, and P.E. room) could exist on a seventh floor of a high rise. Craig enjoyed chatting with the staff member who kindly gave us the impromptu tour.

The second thing that was buh-buh (Auslan sign for strange) was that this morning we bumped into not one but two families that we knew. Here we are, we've only been in Hong Kong for three weeks and in a random suburb we run into one family from school and another family from church. Coincidences or God-ordained encounters?

1 comment:

  1. Did you miss getting fingerprinted when we got our cartes de séjours?
