Jemilla, Keegan, Tirzah and Miriam enjoyed a long play on the jumping castle.
Stirling found the ride-on cars in the playroom and could not be budged.
This was a fishing game with magnets.
This game involved picking up ping pong balls with chopsticks. (I think you're supposed to use the chopsticks in one hand, Jemilla!)
There was a ring toss...
...and another game involving throwing discs onto Easter egg targets.
Carole, Ruel and I chatted in the playroom.
Miriam and Tirzah won some pens and paper as prizes from the games.
Craig shows some of the other pencil sharpener and eraser prizes. No breach of copyright here!
Of course the Easter Bunny put in an appearance.
Does he speak Chinese or English, Jemilla?
I thought Tirzah would be scared of the Easter Bunny, but the promise of a chocolate egg overcame any fears.
The clubhouse doesn't look very busy. What a great set of activities!